Friday, August 12, 2011

The Secret Garden

Thursday evening I had the pleasure of hanging out with Kim & Ernie and their two beautifully delightful daughters. I met Kim way back when at the Sacramento Co-op when we both worked there. We lost touch over the years but as is the way of the world of co-ops I ended up working with  Ernie at the Davis Co-op. And now, our kids will be going to the same small school in the fall!

I had tried to set up a photo session with these guys for a while but life had a way of getting in the way. Then on Thursday the stars aligned! I dashed over to their friendly little home in East Sac.
It was late in the evening and the golden glorious light was starting to dip behind the tree line but when I stepped into their secret garden of a backyard all was right with the world.

This yard was a glorious little jungle with sky high sunflowers, tangles of tomatoes, garden paths, bee hives and a totally rad swing set!

The girls were somewhat shy and nervous at first but with a little action they were naturals! They loved to run and jump and climb and swing,  pointing out squash and showing me flowers. They darted around the garden like little humming birds.


Kim & Ernie I love the organic back yard magical play land you've created for your beautiful family. Thanks for sharing your home and showing me the love you all have for one another! You are good people.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! These are amazing, I love the one with the little girl spinning and the family shot!
